
We've been providing Kent County students with high-quality 职业生涯 Technical Education through the uedbet官网 几十年来,. Spots at KCTC for the three industries of focus: Advanced Manufacturing, Health 科学s and Technology, are at a premium and the need for qualified graduates in these areas continues to grow. To reach the goals of doubling the number of students in CTE, we'll need to spread the reach of our teaching efforts.

There were four new state-approved CTE program options added for students during the 2023-24 school year:

KCTC Health 科学s at 怀俄明 High School 

The class is team-taught by a 怀俄明 HS teacher and an instructor from uedbet官网. 怀俄明 has also created a new lab, similar to the one at the Tech Center, allowing students to learn basic care in a hospital-like setting. Fifty juniors and seniors are enrolled in the class, which includes credit at Ferris State University in medical terminology. The juniors in the class can continue next year at the Tech Center to earn certifications that qualify them for some jobs right out of high school.

You can read more about the collaboration with 怀俄明 High School in this story from the 学校新闻网.

Teacher showing students stitching techniques

Summer 2024 AMPED Training - June 24-27

Are you looking for hand-on, 引人入胜的, and project-based learning content to teach Algebra 1 and/or Geometry? The M in 阀杆 Consortium is providing 32 scholarships for the Algebra in Manufacturing Processes, 创业 & Design (AMPED) Workshop and 32 scholarships for the Geometry in Construction (GIC) Workshop for summer 2024 cohort training. Training will take place June 24 - 27, 2024 at the uedbet官网ISD CTE Center in 大急流城, MI. 

See this link for more information and to apply.

Data 科学 Training - July 22-26 (大急流城)

The Math and Computer 科学 Action Areas are bringing educators a comprehensive learning series to meaningfully integrate mathematics and computer science through the Bootstrap Data 科学 workshop. This 5-day workshop series will equip educators with the ability to implement module based math lessons that capitalize on the modern digital tools that computer science offers to support effective and efficient teaching and learning. uedbet官网 will have access to FREE CURRICULUM RESOURCES to implement in the 2024-25 academic school year.

访问数据科学 info page for details and the Bay City event on July 8-12.

Construction program at West MI Construction Institute (WMCI)


EMT program at Grandville High School


General Aviation/Drones program at Grandville High School



​​​​​​​Coming in 2024-25, we plan on adding the following programs at area schools:

  • KCTC Health 科学s program at an additional uedbet官网ISD district high school

  • Electrician program at West MI Construction Institute (WMCI)

  • Wood Product Manufacturing program at Next Step